Busy Friday in SK
Our morning was filled with thinking of other students and children. Orange shirt day was about understanding that every child matters, no matter where they come from or what language they speak. Ms. Hayward came to our class and read us a story about the indigenous people. We learned lots of new information about this time period in Canadian history.

During our Inquiry into Language Arts we had Show and Share! Our friends brought items that began with I or N. We sounded out the words Ice Cream and Notepad. During our Show & Share some of our friends taught us more fun facts about Mexico! They brought in their different items or stood up and presented their fun fact! Ms. Gray was very appreciative of all the parents who have sent in different items and information about Mexico.
After Gym, Recess and Lunch we were ready to learn! We still wanted to have fun and be silly but Ms. Gray started us off with a nice calming spelling test. We did such a great job on the spelling test! And we all worried about our own paper and didn't peak at anyone else! Score! ;)

During our Math time we had SO much fun! We practiced ESTIMATING. Ms. Gray brought in this weird candy called Candy Corn and we went around the room looking at different Jars and made an "educated guess" for how many candy corn we thought were in each jar. Ms. Gray was taking LOTS of pictures during this time. It was so much fun to use something other than counters! We will be continuing this activity next week and practicing putting the candy corn into groups of ten and counting by ten! :)

During UOI we did a fun craft and put all the parts of a flower together! We still have a couple more parts that are missing but the kiddos definitely worked hard and tried to make their work impressive for the other teachers and students in the school to see. We are going to hang this one in the hallway! :)
After second recess and lunch we had a firedrill. All my friends were SUPER quiet and took this very seriously... until they saw their other friends. We will be working on that! ;)
Another great week in S.K.
Looking forward to Monday!
1. Next week is the International Day -- we will be focusing more on Mexico in the days leading up to that. Over the weekend if you could research the topic that I wrote in the agenda that would be GREAT! The student will come in and teach the class about whatever it is that they are researching.
2. I will make a page on my blog (over the weekend) that is just the photos from the last couple weeks. :) There are some really cute ones!
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