Cold Monday in SK!
Today to start our day we had a house game with the whole school. Before that we had some friends receive awards for being Inquirers!
During our Inquiry into Language Arts we learned about the letter Mm. We learned a new song about Moms and Dads who make their kids yummy food! "MMMM" and rub their belly! After we practiced the song and the action for Mm, we traced the upper case and lower case letter Mm in our Phonics Journal. We are still working on making our letters neat and using finger spaces!
During our math time today, we finished up our candy corn estimating worksheet. On Friday we went around the room in our groups to estimate how many candy corn were in each jar. We had 4 jars with all different amounts in them. We estimated them together this morning, and if we had something that was a little too much (20,000) we made an educated guess for what we thought was REALISTICALLY in the little jar. After this we opened each of the jars and put the candy corn in groups of 10 and we counted by 10's to get the total number! Ms. Gray started to introduce counting by 5's. (If you're sitting at the dinner table, or driving in the car, maybe start counting with your little one to practice counting by 10's / 5's...)
During our UOI we watched a video on the parts of the plant that we eat! We learned about why the plants are so important and how they give us important nutrients to make us healthy and strong. We then learned about the color of the plants and the difference between a fruit and a vegetable. We learned about how we eat different parts of different plants.
After French, we presented our research from this weekend! We learned more about the Mexican customs and all about their culture! We learned about the Mexican Dance, Clothing, Food, and Music of their culture. It was very interesting and we even got to try the Mexican dance moves!

1. If you're planning on coming on the field trip, parents or volunteers need a vulnerable sector - criminal record check. Once this is completed, we need a copy of this with Katlin.2. If anyone would like to bring chips and salsa for the International Day or if anyone has any ideas for serving Mexican food and are willing to bring in some Mexican food for Thursday that would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if you're able to or if you'd be willing to! :)
3. We will be starting our summative project this week! I sent home a letter that explains the expectations.
4. I sent home the October spelling words-- This worksheet does not have to be done today it is for the whole month.
5. The Words of the Week went home in the agendas. (THESE WORDS ARE DIFFERENT THAN THE SPELLING WORDS!)
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