Picture Day!

During our inquiry into language arts we practiced our letter Ee. We sang the song and we wrote in our phonics journals. We practiced our spelling words and sounded out "site" words. Site words are high frequency words that we see every day. We got called for pictures during our language arts time! We all looked stunning for our photos! :)
During our inquiry into math we studied different patterns. Ms. Gray displayed a pattern and my friends had to write on their white boards what the CORE of the pattern is. After this we got to make patterns with our paint dabbers. We made ABBA, ABC, and ABCD patterns! We also used manipulatives to do some of our workbook math pages. Math was busy today!

During our unit of inquiry we talked about our 5 senses. We did a KWL chart for our senses. We learned a catchy new song about the 5 senses! "See it, Hear it, Smell it, Taste it, Touch it .... 5 senses!" Ms. Gray had previously introduced these so she was very interested to see what our friends remembered. She connected our senses to SCIENCE! We made some observations about when our eyes are not working well, that our other senses work harder. We also came up with a question and a hypothesis.... "What will happen if I plug my nose when I eat 5 bites of my dinner?"
Some of our hypotheses: ..."Your nose will explode"... "You will not be able to breathe."... and a few other silly ones. After, we talked about feelings. How our emotions can be effected by the change in the weather or what we see outside... How does Fall make you feel? We wrote about this in our journals today!
1. Spelling test tomorrow!!
2. Words of the week journal due tomorrow!
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