Switch-Up Wednesday
Started out our day with Music today! We learned more about reading music and then we listened to some silly songs.... FIRST THING screaming was just what the doctor ordered for Ms. Gray! She enjoyed watching the students dance around and sing silly songs. The rest of our day got a little jumbled around and mashed-up...

During our Unit of Inquiry we learned ALL about COWS! We had a friend visit from a Dairy Farm and she taught us all about the process of getting the milk from the cow. She also brought the actual tools that they use to milk a cow, and some other props that are necessary for doing her job! We also made some more butter with Mrs. M. We are basically professionals now! :) Ms. Gray heard that we were making butter and ran for the hills!! (not really)... if you want some good cardio, try shaking heavy cream in a container for 30 minutes without a break! ;) But really, we had so much fun and it is always a special treat to have a visitor come to the class to teach us something new!

During our inquiry into Language Arts we learned a new letter sound and a new song. We started practicing the letter Oo! We learned that Ms. Gray sounds very "American" when she says some of the words that start with O or have O in them. We could not wait for Ms. Gray's beautiful artwork... I think it is what we look forward to the most with new letter sounds... To see Ms. Gray struggle while drawing her pictures for words like "of" and "Oh yeah!"... :) After we talked about different words starting with Oo or making the "O" sound... (
Octopus) that sound... We worked on our phonics journals.

During our inquiry into Math today, we reviewed the numbers and words. We played a game where Ms. Gray gave us the NUMBER... we had to wait until she said "Go" to turn our number over... then we had to go around the room to find the word that matched our number. We still need some practice with this... Ms. Gray is going to make a word wall this weekend!
** On the test, the student will be matching by drawing a line (EXAMPLE: 1 ------ one) **
1. SUMMATIVE ASSIGNMENT DUE TOMORROW!! I sent the rubric and the letter with what the student will be marked for. Also, the actual project has to be the students work... However, if the student needs to research something or ask you something, you are allowed to help them or show them the information! STUDENTS CAN DRESS LIKE A FARMER THURSDAY!! The more "farmer" the better! -- Plaid Shirt, Jeans, or something a farmer would wear. I showed the class photos of different farmers...
Funny Question of the Day: "Is that a girl farmer?" Yes, friend, girls can be farmers too! :)
2. The Unit Test is Friday for MATH. This sounds more intense than it actually is... the students have been learning and practicing what will be on the test for the past month! They are prepared for the test. What I sent home is simply practice! If there is something they are struggling with, please let me know for tomorrow so I can do an activity with them to refresh their memory!
3. Please check agendas for work/messages about the day. :)
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