Tired Tuesday
Wow! We are TIRED today! Friends were telling me ALL DAY that they were tired, and some friends were caught napping throughout the day. I am sure they will be exhausted tonight and ready for bed when they get home. Yesterday was a busy and fun day! During morning meeting we went over our lock-down procedures. We talked about the weather and we sang our morning songs!During our Inquiry into Language Arts we practiced the letter Cc. Ms. Gray played a Jolly Phonics video that had every song that we have learned so far. Our friends LOVED this! They were giggling and laughing and singing along with all of the songs. They knew the actions and the words! Ms. Gray was SUPER impressed. Then, today we learned a new song!! After we learned the song and sang it OVER AND OVER AND OVER (practicing the C sound), we made a list of words that begin with the letter C! Then we practiced writing the letter Cc in our awesome phonics journals.

THANK YOU SO SO MUCH TO MS. CHAN AND MS. KOO FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE ON THE TRIP! You were both incredible and I felt lucky to have you there with me! I appreciate the help so very much! Thank you again. :)
1. Sent home math test from Friday. Please sign and send the test back.2. Sent home book order magazines. Order online.
3. Sent home Words of the Week in the agenda & in their journal.
4. Sent home Rubric from Summative Assignment.
5. I will be contacting you regarding the student's progress this week. -- I still haven't heard from all of the parents regarding a time to call or if you would prefer an email. Please let me know! :)
6. Just heard the news -- the kiddos have a Music test next week! -- I asked Mr. Flower for some practice worksheets for this week through the weekend.
7. Picture Day is OCTOBER 25, 2018!!
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