Today during our morning meeting, we talked about how many days we have been in school. We talked about how cold it has been since October began and how the weather over the next few days is supposed to warm up again! We talked about how our uniforms are changing to our Winter Uniforms. We also talked about how today we are supposed to be in our formal uniform because it is Tuesday! Tomorrow we can wear our GYM uniform! We went over the importance of walking quietly in the hallway (because other classes are busy learning)During our Inquiry into Language Arts we learned a new song! We are starting to work on the letter G. Out of all the G words in the world, Jolly Phonics chose "gurgle" as their word for their song. Interesting... :) Did you know that Ms. Gray's last name started with G? We talked about a bunch of words that start with the letter G. All of our friends were very insistent that Ms. Gray DRAW the picture that goes with the word. We had some tricky ones... "go," "grab," and green to name a few! One of our friends asked Ms. Gray to write "grappling hook".... and wanted her to draw it. Without ever seeing the actual item, Ms. Gray followed the friend's directions... rope and hook on the end. The friend explained that this hook is used for climbing a mountain. Ms. Gray learned something new today.
During our Math we raced who could finish doing 5 jumping jacks faster and talked about coming in first, second, third, fourth and fifth place! We practiced First is 1, Second is 2, Third is 3, Fourth is 4, and Fifth is 5. We then worked in centers to practice using 5 Frames/10 Frames/Matching numbers to words/writing the numbers. We definitely got our workout doing the jumping jacks... we were a little tempted to eat the counters today but we PROMISED Ms. Gray that we would NOT eat them because they have been on the floor and they have been in our hands. LOTS OF GERMS!
We practiced A LOT and learned some new ways to help us recognize the ordinal numbers! FOURth, SIXth, SEVENth... etc.
"So, I plant an Apple Seed and I get a Banana Tree???"........ the roar of laughter I heard after this comment made me think that they said this just to give Ms. Gray a heart attack!
- Tomorrow we have the Dairy Farmers coming to visit the class! :)
- Summative Assignments are due on Thursday! I sent the rubric through email *Remember this project needs to be their work! The student needs to be able to present and tell us about the food and all of the things that they wrote in their written assignment!*
- If your child does not have a change of clothes at school, please send some! Today we had some friends come in from recess COVERED in mud... not just their shoes (the shoes will be sent home to be washed and returned to school)... Their pants, shirts, and socks were all muddy. The change of clothes is not just for an washroom accident.
- Winter Uniform start this week! -- Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be GYM uniform. After a long weekend, if we start school on a Tuesday, we still wear the Tuesday uniform. :)
- Field Trip is NEXT Monday! October 15, 2018! If you're planning on coming the school needs the copy of your police check before we leave!
- Math Unit test on Friday! -- I sent home a math practice packet. * If you notice that your child is struggling with something, please let me know! I can work that into centers more. * This is not required to be done in one night... space it out! :)
- Words of the week are due on Friday!
- I wrote the students who are doing show & share this Friday in their agenda. The letters this week are G & O.
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