Today during our inquiry into Language Arts we worked on the letter Mm. We listened to the song and sang along. We worked in our phonics journals and made our work look SUPER neat! We talked about Mexico and how it started with M. We had LOTS of questions about the location of Mexico. We looked up a map of North America and South America.
During our inquiry into Math we practiced counting by 5's. We reviewed some of the 5 frame and 10 frame problems. I will be sending home some practice work for the week. This can be turned in on Friday. If they don't complete all of it, it is okay. I just want them to be practicing math and the students REALLY LOVE math! :)

During our Unit of Inquiry we worked on our booklet for parts of plants that you can eat. We also started our summative project. Our friends decided on the plant that they would like to research and find out more information. We did our first draft of writing about the plant that they chose. Our friends had very interesting reasons for picking the plant that they want to research. Some chose the plant because they love it, some because they do not like it at all. "Hate is not a nice word" I heard quite a few times. Our friends really didn't even want to go to recess and CHEERED when they announced indoor recess. Ms. Gray cheered too.......... kind of. ;)

French was cancelled today so we had extra time to work on our MEXICO project. We have learned SO much about MEXICO. Did you know their national sport was Soccer? Our friends made a book of all about Mexico. We learned that the Mayans invented CHOCOLATE!! Yummmm! We learned about burritos, tacos, and salsa... the food, not the dance. Although, that may be something to talk about tomorrow. We practiced saying hello and goodbye in spanish. Ms. Gray just started saying things in Spanish and we just looked at her like she was CRAZY! (I was counting) Ms. Gray also taught us new ways to say goodbye... See you tomorrow! Have a good night!
Ms. Gray wants to keep the books at school because they look so awesome! She will be sending them home this week after International Day!
1. I sent home a math packet for the week/weekend that can come back after the weekend!
2. I also sent home the plant that the student chose for their summative project in their agenda.
3. The field trip is in a couple weeks-- if you or a volunteer plan on coming, please let me know. Also, they need to have a criminal record check on file with the school!
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