Today in S.K.:

After we had recess and lunch Ms. Gray took a few minutes to get us ready to learn. We did some stretches and listened to calming music. Some of us meditated.

During Math today we practiced 2 More and 2 Less... We used manipulatives and practiced adding more and taking away. We also used the actions for more and less that Ms. Gray showed them yesterday. Ms. Gray would be VERY appreciative if at home we used the terms MORE and LESS. We need a bit more practice with this... Mostly the reading of each of the questions "more" and "less"
Example of what the questions look like:
1 more than 4 is 5 five.
1 less than 4 is 3 three.
We will continue to practice this vocabulary and the concepts until it is mastered. I sent home two worksheets tonight and I will find an additional activity for tomorrow that will also be fun for the students.

During UOI Ms. Gray called students up to act out the process of wheat. They were AMAZING!!! I was pleasantly surprised with, even the shy children, how well they did with this and enjoyed it! After we did that, we started working on the booklet of the process of Wheat to Cereal!
>>The students don't know yet, but we will be making pancakes on Friday with the other S.K. Classes. If anyone has any concerns about syrup or pancakes, please reach out to me so I can ensure that we don't give them syrup.<<
1. The "homework" that I sent home today in the agenda is not DUE tomorrow. However, if the student wants to practice tonight that would be great. Over the next couple days, if he or she could complete those worksheets, that would be great. If you can start using MORE and LESS in your daily conversation with them, that would be awesome too!
2. BBQ paperwork & money is due September 14th! Looking forward to seeing you there and getting to know the parents and families more! :)
3. Pancakes on Friday -- any issues with syrup (or pancakes), please let me know!
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