Today was another AMAZING day!
Even with the weather looking pretty nasty out there, we learned lots!
Inquiry into language arts we worked on the letter sound Ss. We practiced writing the letter Ss (upper case and lower case) and highlighted the letter Ss in different words. We also brainstormed different words that begin with the letter Ss. We found words around the room that began with the letter Ss.
During Math we worked on groups of numbers. We used manipulatives to create different groups of each number 1-10. This is building up to addition, using language involved with addition.

French started learning the months of the year. In Music Mr. Flower taught us the Musical Alphabet!
If any parents are interested in volunteering for the International Day, please contact me!
**Words of the Week**
Information was sent home in their Yellow Journal. This is the Words of the Week Journal.
- In the beginning of the year, parents can write the sentence and the student can copy the sentence under.
- Words of the Week go home Monday and come back Friday.
1. Sun 2. Sit 3. Snake 4. Ant 5. At 6. Apple
**Show & Share**
There will be a sticker in your child's agenda in the Monday assignment box if he or she is one of the students sharing on Friday.
- Show & Share is a way to encourage the students to identify objects in their home that begin with the letters that we are working on.
- This week we are focusing on Ss / Aa and the letter sounds.
**Spelling Words**
Spelling words also went home this week. Spelling words are different than Words of the Week. The following photo shows what that looks like. Those words sometimes are the same words as our words of the week, but are chosen from a high frequency word list. These words will be our spelling words for the month. At the end of the month we will have a spelling test.
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