Today is FRIDAY!
One of Our Friends has a Birthday Tomorrow!!! WOOHOO!! 5 years old!
We hope you enjoyed the dance party to Spider Man today to celebrate your birthday! When I asked for our friends favourite song, I definitely was not expecting that. I've never know anyone to love that song so much. It was a fan favourite!
During Morning Meeting today we talked about everything that we know about Mexico. We learned that Mexico was SOUTH from Canada. We also discussed the language, the food, and the weather... One of our friends INQUIRED about something VERY interesting... "If Mexico is ALWAYS warm and doesn't have snow during their winter... Why do we live here?

During Inquiry into Language Arts we had SHOW & SHARE!!
During Show & Share 4 of our friends got to share items that they brought from home that begin with the letter Pp or Tt. Some of our friends brought more than one item!
One friend brought a T-Rex Transformer!
Another friend brought her Pencil box!

Another friend had a Toy and a roll of Tape!
And the other friend brought a Playdough Tower & a T-Rex!
During Math we learned a new game: 1. We roll the dice. 2. When we got that number (1-6) we would display that number on one of our ten frames. 3. Then we would have a ten frame filled to 10. 4. Lastly, we would find the total number. *11-16* We are still working on the numbers 10-20!
** ____ is 10 and ____. **
THEN......... IN UOI........

We watched the video again on how to make butter.
After we did this, Ms. Gray helped each of us make our own butter! We had SO much fun... and it was a work-out!
We were all exhausted and sweating from shaking the containers so much! Ms. Gray is going to sleep well tonight.......

**If I were you, I would definitely check their lunch bags sooner rather than later........ I don't know how it will taste (or smell)... but they definitely had fun making it and talking about how the "fat" attaches to each other and makes a big ball of fat...... Not sure if I will ever look at butter the same...*
I was a proud teacher when I heard: "I can see the fat from the milk attaching to the other fat..."

1. I sent home a math packet to practice some math over the weekend.
2. Permission slips for field trip... if you need one because you haven't signed it yet, please let me know! I sent a new one home today with some students!
3. I will look at the RAZ-KIDS website over the weekend to figure out how to notify you of which book is assigned.
4. September 25 & 26 is the BAKE SALE!
5. Wednesday, September 26 is Casual Day!
6. Thursday, September 27 is the Terry Fox Run!
7. Have an awesome weekend!
Happy 5th Birthday to Our Friend!