Time Crunch Tuesday!!
We started off our day by listening to some qu songs and interesting stories about the letters together. All day long we heard the songs over and over and over again from friends repeating the catchy songs...During Math we worked on SUBTRACTION!! We talked about the symbols and what they meant... the difference between a + and a -... We learned a new strategy for subtraction, which was drawing dots on the page of the total number and then x-ing out or erasing the second number that needed to be taken away... Whatever is left over is the answer! We used manipulatives to complete some activities with Ms. Gray and we had SO much fun during math today that we did not want to change subjects!
After this, we refreshed our memories for how long it takes for each planet to make it 1 rotation around the sun...
Mercury = 88 Earth Days
Venus = 225 Earth Days
Earth = 365 Earth Days
Mars = 687 Earth Days
Jupiter = 12 Earth Years
Saturn = 29 Earth Years
Uranus = 84 Earth Years
Neptune = 165 Earth Years
We were having so much fun during UOI we did not want to go to recess... However, once we found out Ms. Gray was on duty we jumped with joy and ran to get our coats on!
We had a busy afternoon with Snack, French and then Library today! :)
Words of the Week:
1. Quiz 2. Queen 3. Quack
4. Chick 5. Bench 6. Cheese
- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send back the permission slips for the field trip. If students are not able to come on the trip, please let me know so that I can plan accordingly. The forms were sent home before Christmas Break... you can just send me an email verifying that your student can attend the field trip if you have misplaced the form. Thank you! :)
- Summative writing piece went home yesterday and needs to be completed at home along with the creative component due on WEDNESDAY!!
- WEDNESDAY IS SPACE DAY!! & Summative Presentations! If students don't have an astronaut costume, that is okay!... You can have the kiddos wear white...
- Friday is the FIELD TRIP to the Ontario Science Centre!! Woo!!
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