Ms. Gray's Back!!

I had a lot of friends hugging me and telling me they missed me. It made me feel better after a rough few weeks. I appreciate all of the support from the kiddos and the parents! You have all been so wonderful with your emails, well wishes and prayers. Thank you for your kind words.
Today we started off our day with some brainstorming of words that begin or have Qu/qu in them, after that we worked in our phonics journals. We were so excited to get to work in our journals. When we were finished with that we asked Ms. Gray for a word search to get our brain thinking even harder to challenge ourselves! Today we were coming up with some interesting words that were not English so Ms. Gray had NO idea how to spell them or what the words meant... We had a lot of French words on the board that our friends found from around the classroom!
We had lots of fun at Gym, Recess and Lunch!! Then back to class to work on some academics!
During our inquiry into math we worked on subtraction in our math books! We are definitely learning to grasp the difference between addition and subtraction! We will be working on this over the next couple of weeks. This is another short unit that we are working on. Practicing at home with some manipulatives (silverware, socks, crayons, or anything that they can count...) will be helpful for the little ones to start to make their thinking visible!
During UOI today we worked on our summative writing assignment, some of our friends did not have the research to go with the assignment. We tried our best to complete this assignment however, Ms. Gray ended up sending this home with each of the students to finish at home! They were told "BEST writing for this project!" The entire summative project is due on Wednesday! Which is SPACE DAY! We can dress like astronauts. :)
Recess - Snack - French

During our Journal time today we worked on our writing and labeling an illustration. We drew a picture of our family and then we wrote about them.
During Music today we had SO much fun learning about instruments, reading a story and playing instruments! We love music!
Words of the Week:
1. Quiz 2. Queen 3. Quack
4. Chick 5. Bench 6. Cheese
- We have an extremely busy week ahead!!
- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send back the permission slips for the field trip. If students are not able to come on the trip, please let me know so that I can plan accordingly. Thank you! :)
- Summative writing piece is going home today to be completed at home along with the creative component due on WEDNESDAY!!
- WEDNESDAY IS SPACE DAY!! & Summative Presentations!
- Friday is the FIELD TRIP to the Ontario Science Centre!! Woo!!