Short Week Thursday!
We had SHOW & SHARE today!! We were showing our items from home that begin with the letter Hh and the letter Bb!! We had a bracelet, basketball, a blue jays hat, and a hairy stuffed animal! We spelled each of the words together on the board! Then we played a little with the basketball and got to writing in our phonics journals!
During our inquiry into Math we took our patterning unit test! We did AMAZING! Ms. Gray was SO proud of all of our friends for doing such a great job with the test! She will be sending them home on Monday! After we were done with our test we read quietly (sort of) while others finished their test.

During our UOI today we made an art project! We used paint to make poppy flowers to represent the soldiers that fought for our country. We are going to celebrate this on Monday as a whole school and Ms. Gray will display our beautiful poppies for the whole school to see!

During our journal today we wrote a sentence about Remembrance Day! We watched a few videos of students talking about what Remembrance Day means to them.
We also have a special friend who has a birthday this weekend!!! I hope you have a great party with all of our friends! :)
1. No School Tomorrow!
2. Have a great weekend!
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