MONDAY!! (and Friday)
This morning we worked on the letter Ll. We were INSISTENT on reviewing ALL of our songs!!! Ms. Gray was extremely surprised that we remembered EVERYTHING (songs & actions for all of our letters) that we had learned. We then worked on our phonics journals.During our UOI we heard the story "Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me" and we worked on a moon craft. As a class we talked about what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story. We also talked about the difference between fantasy and reality. Could we REALLY climb a latter to the moon? This was fantasy (make-believe/ pretending). We had so much fun working on our craft with our friends. We wrote very adorable sentences about who we would get the Moon for and why (because I love them)! Lots of moms, dads, and baby sisters would be getting the Moon if it was realistic! :)
Today we had a fun day in S.K.! Our focus this week is PERSONAL SPACE! With all of the germs floating around we want to be sure to keep our hands (and our faces) in our own personal bubbles...!
We did SUCH a great job for our Science Fair Project!! We had some friends reading our question, materials, procedure, results and conclusions! Photos from Friday:
- Ordering Lunch for December is now available online!!- Practicing tally marks with the kiddos will help prepare them for our math lessons! :)
- Have a great night!
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