Casual Wednesday
After we read our story and talked about the rules of tattling... we worked on our phonics. We learned how to neatly write the letter Jj and the sound that Jj makes! We practiced this by writing in our phonics journals. We found a bunch of words that begin with the letter Jj and we even have a friend in our class that starts with the letter J! Almost all of us drew this friend in our phonics journals! :)
During our inquiry into Math we took our math test! We did VERY well on our math test and we followed directions the whole time. Ms. Gray was so proud of us because everyone kept their eyes on their own paper and we were able to complete the test with ease!
During our unit of inquiry we were learning about the planet, Mercury! We watched a video on Mercury and then we used glitter and grey crayon to colour the planet. Ms. Gray is excited to put them on the windows! We will be learning fun facts about all of the planets. After this, we had a dance party and practiced our dance for the Christmas Concert! Then it was time to pack up and go home! :)
1. Math Test went VERY well! :) Expect to see those next week in the agenda.2. SPELLING TEST FRIDAY!!
3. Report Cards go home on Friday! :)
4. For the Christmas Concert: Outfit -- If you have a green or red track suit (sweatpants and matching top) or if you don't have that then jeans and a green or red sweatshirt/shirt will work! Any questions please ask. I can send an example of some through email.
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