This morning we went to the Wizard of Oz performance! We got to watch the older grades perform and we were very intrigued. It was nice to be in the audience of the performance at the dome and experience things from a different perspective. Our friends were VERY well behaved and if all goes well this week with following directions and making green choices we will have a celebration of our awesome week on Thursday.

After Math, we reviewed the blends that we worked on last week. Ms. Gray wanted to be sure that because we did 3 last week that we were able to retain the sounds and everything that we learned. She was ecstatic that our friends remembered so much! We practiced saying the blends and coming up with some words.
After this we had recess, snack, and French.
After French we wrote in our journals about the Wizard of Oz! We really enjoyed the play and most of our friends loved the part where the Wicked Witch of the West melted!!
Word of Week
1. canoe 2. toe 3. doe 4. August 5. sauce 6. author
May 17th- Friday - No School (PD Day)
May 20th- Monday - No School (Victoria Day)
May 29th- Wednesday - Casual Day
May 30th- Thursday - Spelling Test
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