Arts Night is Tonight!
Today we had a fun day of practicing for our Arts Night! We went on the bus and got to sit with our friends on our way there. We had a great practice, watched a few of the other performances and then went back to school for some lunch! After lunch we had our real performance for the afternoon! WE DID AWESOME!!!! Ms. Gray was SUPER impressed with how well we did. She even told us that if we do as good of a job in the night performance we will win a prize!! She is still coming up with what the prize will be, but I'm sure it will be great... and not a spur of the moment decision at all. ;)During our journal time we wrote about what we are excited about for Arts Night! We know Arts Night will be fun because we get to perform in front of our parents and they can finally see how hard we have worked for this!
Reminders/ Announcements
May 7th- TONIGHT - Arts Night (12 noon & 6:30 pm *STUDENTS ARE TO RETURN TO SCHOOL AT 6:00PM in their costumes)-- Students only have the one costume for the whole night --
--After the performance students will take the bus back to school. Parents are to pick up their child AT SCHOOL, they will not be allowed to leave from the dome. --
May 10th - THIS Friday - Measurement Math Test
May 17th- Friday - No School (PD Day)May 20th- Monday - No School (Victoria Day)
May 29th- Wednesday - Casual Day
May 30th- Thursday - Spelling Test
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