Whacky Wednesday
Today we started our day off playing a game at morning announcements! Once we made our way back to the classroom we started working right away!! During our inquiry into language we learned the blend AU/au! We watched a video that helped us discover words that have the blend AU in them!
During our inquiry into math we reviewed the shapes that we learned yesterday. After we talked about the definitions that we learned yesterday we investigated circle and oval in more depth. We went searching around the room to find these shapes. We talked about how 2D shapes are FLAT and we practiced an action that goes along with this.
During our UOI we did a Venn Diagram comparing summer and winter! We were interested to find out what things were the same about summer and winter! We play outside in both, we can explore nature, both seasons you can wear hats, and there are sugary snacks in both seasons that WE LOVE! We had NO problem brainstorming what was different about the two seasons... Hot/Cold, Snow suits/Swim suit, and many many more.
After we did this, Ms. Gray told a VERY interesting story about a character named Taylor and her mother. (practicing sequencing, identifying the problem and solution, setting and the characters)... Taylor was playing outside in her backyard when she got very, very hot and then she jumped in the pool without an adult. Her mom heard the splash and ran out very upset. After that, they both played in the pool together. Our friends identified all of the problems in the story and the solutions. There were only 2 characters! We were able to put the story in order and identify the setting! We knew that this story occurred in the summer and the temperature was hot!! Ms. Gray was very proud of the kiddos.

Recess, Snack, and French.
For our journal today we wrote about the comparison we made during our UOI. We will start to work on our sense for UOI. What we hear, see, taste, and smell in the summer! :)
Spelling words are on the blog
1. Time 2. House 3. About 4. Your 5. Day 6. Made 7. Came 8. Make
Words of Week
1. canoe 2. toe 3. doe 4. August 5. sauce 6. author
1. Sent home spelling words - Spelling test @ end of month
2. I sent home measurement math test to be signed and returned.
We are using these for an art project on Tuesday.
4. May 17th- Friday - No School (PD Day)
5. May 20th- Monday - No School (Victoria Day)
6. May 29th- Wednesday - Casual Day
7. May 30th- Thursday - Spelling Test