Graduation is tomorrow! Please arrive on time to school! Students can dress-up for graduation. Parents may take the students from school afterward. However, they need to come to the classroom to get all of their things and their report cards! :)
Looking forward to the last day tomorrow! Thank you to the class for the AMAZING baby gift! :) I am so grateful for all of the support this entire year!
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Unfortunately Ms. Gray stayed behind in the classroom with students not attending play-day while the her friends played at play-day! :( Please refer to Bannon's blog for photos from today.
Friday, June 7, 2019
Wednesday - Friday, June 5th, 2019 - June 7th, 2019
Whacky Wednesday-Fun Friday!
Our mornings have been filled with reading/sequencing stories/practicing our phonics and preparing for grade 1! We worked on sequencing making an ice cream sundae today... some of our friends said they #1 have never eaten a sundae... & #2 have never made one!... Ms. Gray said, if she talks to our parents we will potentially be able to have a sundae making day next week... Friday was an amazing day for SK. We had lots of fun today while learning and organizing papers to go home.
For UOI on Wednesday we brought our projects into Ms. Bannon's room and we shared our projects with all the other S.K. classes! Ms. Gray heard friends talking about their favourite seasons and their favourite activities to do in the different seasons.
We have been enjoying our last couple days in SK and have been INCREDIBLY helpful to Ms. Gray. She is going to miss these kiddos over the summer!
- MONDAY - June 10th - Raptors Day!! -- if students do not have anything Raptors, please send them to school in something RED! We want the whole school to be supporting our team! :)
- Tuesday, June 11th – Water Day for the SK's (apply sunscreen before coming to school, wear a bathing suit under your casual clothes, bring a towel and a hat).
- Wednesday, June 12th – Year-End Play Day @ the dome.
- Thursday - June 13th - House Colour Day (students may come to school dressed in their house colours).
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Tired Tuesday
Our friends were EXTREMELY tired today! Ms. Gray realized during presentations, that we may need a little bit of a break before we go run around for recess... When we had resting-our-head time (5 mins before recess), 3 friends fell asleep. It is nearing the end of the year, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE ensure your babies are getting all the sleep they can tonight! We have a Math test tomorrow! I will try my best to have them take their exam in the AM.We had 5 presentations today that went great! We had lots of different ways of presenting for this summative project. I am impressed with the creativity that I have seen! Thanks for the hard-work from home to help your children prepare for their presentations!
For Math review we played a game and we did some matching activities. The items on the test are: Positional Words, Drawing 2D shapes, identify 2D shapes by name & identify 3D shapes by name, being able to pick out which shape does not belong (2D/3D)!
- WEDNESDAY, June 5th - Geometry Math test & Raptors Day (students may come to school dressed in Raptors gear)- Monday, June 10th - House Colour Day (students may come to school dressed in their house colours).
- Tuesday, June 11th – Water Day for the SK's (apply sunscreen before coming to school, wear a bathing suit under your casual clothes, bring a towel and a hat).
- Wednesday, June 12th – Year-End Play Day @ the dome
*check back for photos tomorrow*
Monday, June 3, 2019
Monday, June 3, 2019

Today in SK we had a BUSY day! We watched lots of friends present today. We still have more presentations tomorrow. We also celebrated one of our friends birthdays! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FRIEND! We hope you had a wonderful day and enjoyed singing and dancing today.
We started our day off by working on the blend o_e! We brainstormed words, watched the video, and then came up with 10 more words!! We worked on our phonics journals and then a word search! If we were done with that we did a very challenging complete the sentence worksheet!
We watched lots of presentations today! These wonderful presentations took up the majority of the afternoon! Great work to all of the students who presented today and we are looking forward to more presentations tomorrow! :)
- Monday & Tuesday, June 3rd-4th - Summative Presentations
- Monday, June 10th- House Colour Day (students may come to school dressed in their house colours).
- Tuesday, June 11th – Water Day for the SK's (apply sunscreen before coming to school, wear a bathing suit under your casual clothes, bring a towel and a hat).
- Wednesday, June 12th – Year-End Play Day @ the dome
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Happy Birthday, to one of our friends!! :) We had a fun birthday party and danced to Spider Man **AT THE END OF THE DAY** Hope he had a wonderful birthday today!!Today we started our day working independently on a language page finding the word with i and magic e to match with the picture. For example: hive and a picture of a bee hive.
After this we had Gym outside!
Recess and then Lunch...

UOI: We did some summer activities outside! We used chalk to draw pictures!
-June 3rd - Summative Presentations
-June 5th-Geometry Math test & Raptors Day (students may come to school dressed in Raptors gear)
-June 10th-House colour Day (students may come to school dressed in their house colours).
-Tuesday, June 11th – Water Day for the SK's (apply sunscreen before coming to school, wear a bathing suit under your casual clothes, bring a towel and a hat).
-Wednesday, June 12th – Year-End Play Day @ the dome
-Friday, June 14th –Promotion Ceremonies (9-11am at the dome)
-June 17th-Summer Camp begins!
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Gym, Recess, Lunch
During our inquiry into Math we made two 3D shapes! & we learned about another one. We explored the room and investigated all these shapes that are circles. Cylinder, Cone, and Sphere. We learned their vertices and their circle faces/surfaces. We LOVE making 3D shapes!
-Don't forget about RAZ-Kids! We are working on DRA's again... RAZ-Kids will be great practice to get them ready for their assessment. :)-Thursday, May 30th-Spelling Test
-June 3rd - Summative Presentations - Depending on Weather (Beach Day one day this week)
-June 5th-Geometry Math test
-Wednesday, June 12th – Year-End Play Day @ the dome
-Friday, June 14th –Promotion Ceremonies (9-11am at the dome)
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

During our unit of inquiry today we worked on the art project more! We still have a couple friends who need to bring in empty paper towel rolls! Once we have enough we will be able to complete the project! We are really looking forward to this! We have been working on the building blocks to get the finished product completed by the end of the week!
-Don't forget about RAZ-Kids! We are working on DRA's again... RAZ-Kids will be great practice to get them ready for their assessment. :)-Wednesday, May 29th – Casual Day and Bake Sale
-Thursday, May 30th-Spelling Test
-June 3rd - Summative Presentations - Depending on Weather (Beach Day one day this week)
-June 5th-Geometry Math test
-Tuesday, June 11th – Water Day for the JKs (apply sunscreen before coming to school, wear a bathing suit under your casual clothes, bring a towel and a hat).
-Wednesday, June 12th – Year-End Play Day @ the dome
-Friday, June 14th –Promotion Ceremonies (9-11am at the dome)
Monday, May 27, 2019
Monday, May 27th, 2019
We started our day off by doing our morning meeting and singing our songs. We worked on our phonics journals and practiced the silent E words. For example: slide, delete, complete...During our inquiry into math we investigated the 3D shape CUBE. We first held a dice in our hand and we counted the sides and the vertices. After this we searched the room for anything that is in the shape of a cube. We did not find anything in the room that was a cube. We found LOTS of rectangular prisms... but we are focusing on that tomorrow. After we completed our investigation we then coloured and cut out a 2D shape to create a 3D shape. We each got to make a cube! Ms. Gray was very proud of our friends for following directions the first time!!!!!! We had lots of fun in math and couldn't wait to bring it home to show our families!
During UOI we talked about different things that we see in the summer and then we explored the room and did a write the room activity. When we were done with this we began our art project. We were very excited to start the art project to show what we can hear in the summertime! (the ocean/lake/waves)
We had Library today! We had so much fun playing with the stuffed animals and reading to our friends. :)
-Don't forget about the RAZ-Kids application! We are working on DRA's again... RAZ-Kids will be great practice to get them ready for their assessment. :)
-Tuesday, May 28th – Bake Sale
-Wednesday, May 29th – Casual Day and Bake Sale
-Thursday, May 30th-Spelling Test
-June 3rd -Summative Presentations
-June 5th-Geometry Math test
-Tuesday, June 11th – Water Day for the JKs (apply sunscreen before coming to school, wear a bathing suit under your casual clothes, bring a towel and a hat). J
-Wednesday, June 12th – Year-End Play Day @ the dome
-Friday, June 14th –Promotion Ceremonies (9-11am at the dome)
Friday, May 24, 2019 - TRACK & FIELD
Track & Field Day!
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Track Day Thursday
This morning we started our day off by having some track and field events... Unfortunately our day got rained out and we had to postpone the remainder of the events to tomorrow! Ms. Gray's class had 3 friends who placed in the top 3 for the events! She is very proud of all of our friends for their hard work and participation! Way to go friends! :)During math we worked on positional words. We definitely need more practice with this. Ms. Gray is sending home some homework to practice! :)
During Journal we wrote about our goal for summer. We started off by writing the #1 thing that we want to do over the summer. Lots of friends plan to have water fights! Some with their families, some with friends... some friends are just excited to have hot weather and splash in the pool!
1. PLEASE SAVE & SEND IN PAPER TOWEL ROLLS. We are using these for an art project once we have enough for everyone in the class! :)
2. May 29th- Wednesday - Casual Day
3. May 31st- Friday - Spelling Test
4. Track & Field POSTPONED TO TOMORROW - Students wear GYM uniform - Students can purchase freeze after the event!
5. Scholastic orders are due by 9:00 am on Friday (5/24) morning
6. Beach Day - Sometime the Week of June 3rd-June 7th (We will choose based on weather and send more information as it gets closer)
7. (I sent home the information again regarding the project) Summative Presentations - Monday & Tuesday - June 3rd & 4th
8. Math Test - Wednesday - June 5th
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Tuesday & Wednesday, May 21 & 22, 2019
Tuesday & Wednesday
We started our day off with our morning message, weather report and reviewing what we learned yesterday when Ms. Hackett was in here. We reviewed our UOI lesson that Ms. Gray was SO sad to miss! :( After that we moved into our inquiry into language and today we brainstormed 21 WORDS! We learned the a_e blend today. That is our all-time high for brainstorming words using the blend that we are learning about! We watched a video that gave us some ideas and we used rhyming to come up with the others! We worked on our phonics journals and then we were off to Gym!
GYM, Recess, Lunch
During Math for the last couple days we have been learning about 2D Shapes! We have been playing games and getting with partners to work as a team. We have been talking about how many sides shapes have! There are LOTS of shapes that have 4 sides! Ms. Gray would say a riddle "I have 4 sides, 2 of my sides are slanted. Which shape am I?" We either had a rhombus or a trapezoid! Our friends did such a great job with this activity. The previous math lessons have been around the same idea, using different manipulatives to be more interactive! We used Playdough and EVERYONE did such a great job respecting Ms. Gray's personal property and her classroom materials!
During our UOI we have been learning about Summer. Over the last few days we have been doing lots of fun activities. Thursday we learned about fruit that is best to eat in the summer. "IN SEASON"... We learned about pineapple and then we made a pineapple art piece. On Tuesday we learned all about summer activities such as blowing bubbles outside! We learned about the science behind blowing bubbles. Today we used our sense of hearing to identify different summer sounds! We were very excited when we guessed some of the sounds correct... we were very surprised when we were wrong! We definitely have some creative minds in here! :)
Please send an empty paper towel roll for an art project for tomorrow!
Words of the Week:
1.Honey 2.Turkey 3.Monkey 4.Rake 5.Cake 6. Bake
There is an important permission slip going home tonight and HAS TO BE RETURNED TOMORROW!!! Please, please, please don't forget to return the form! I was not here in the afternoon yesterday and it was not sent home by mistake. It is coming home tonight!!
On the form - $20 covers rides/activities -- FOOD IS AN ADDITIONAL $5!!
- Track & Field tomorrow - Students wear GYM uniform - Students can purchase freeze after the event!
- Scholastic orders are due by 9:00 am on Friday (5/24) morning
- Spelling Test Friday May 31
- Beach Day - Sometime the Week of June 3rd-June 7th (We will choose based on weather and send more information as it gets closer)
- Summative Presentations - Monday & Tuesday - June 3rd & 4th
- Math Test - Wednesday - June 5th
- PLEASE RETURN THE FORM TOMORROW for Year End Play Day - Wednesday - June 12 - 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Whacky Wednesday
Today we started our day off playing a game at morning announcements! Once we made our way back to the classroom we started working right away!! During our inquiry into language we learned the blend AU/au! We watched a video that helped us discover words that have the blend AU in them!GYM, RECESS, LUNCH
During our inquiry into math we reviewed the shapes that we learned yesterday. After we talked about the definitions that we learned yesterday we investigated circle and oval in more depth. We went searching around the room to find these shapes. We talked about how 2D shapes are FLAT and we practiced an action that goes along with this.
During our UOI we did a Venn Diagram comparing summer and winter! We were interested to find out what things were the same about summer and winter! We play outside in both, we can explore nature, both seasons you can wear hats, and there are sugary snacks in both seasons that WE LOVE! We had NO problem brainstorming what was different about the two seasons... Hot/Cold, Snow suits/Swim suit, and many many more.
After we did this, Ms. Gray told a VERY interesting story about a character named Taylor and her mother. (practicing sequencing, identifying the problem and solution, setting and the characters)... Taylor was playing outside in her backyard when she got very, very hot and then she jumped in the pool without an adult. Her mom heard the splash and ran out very upset. After that, they both played in the pool together. Our friends identified all of the problems in the story and the solutions. There were only 2 characters! We were able to put the story in order and identify the setting! We knew that this story occurred in the summer and the temperature was hot!! Ms. Gray was very proud of the kiddos.

Recess, Snack, and French.
For our journal today we wrote about the comparison we made during our UOI. We will start to work on our sense for UOI. What we hear, see, taste, and smell in the summer! :)
Spelling words are on the blog
1. Time 2. House 3. About 4. Your 5. Day 6. Made 7. Came 8. Make
Words of Week
1. canoe 2. toe 3. doe 4. August 5. sauce 6. author
1. Sent home spelling words - Spelling test @ end of month
2. I sent home measurement math test to be signed and returned.
We are using these for an art project on Tuesday.
4. May 17th- Friday - No School (PD Day)
5. May 20th- Monday - No School (Victoria Day)
6. May 29th- Wednesday - Casual Day
7. May 30th- Thursday - Spelling Test
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Terrific Tuesday!

During our inquiry into language arts we learned the blend for the long o sound. We brainstormed words that have OE and put them into complete sentences. We watched a video that helped us... this video was not as silly as the other ones... It was not catchy.
For Gym today we were in Ms. Bannon's room for go-noodle! Gym was cancelled... we miss Ms. Yustin! She has been helping with all the other exciting things happening in the school! She's awesome!
During our inquiry into math we started our new unit!! We practiced our poem that we learned and we started talking about all the different shapes that we know. We walked around the room and did a "write the room" activity where we find shapes in the room and write the object's name down. After this we learned how many sides and corners each shape has. When we met back on the rug we went around in a circle and shared our findings!
During our UOI we introduced summer! We talked about when summer began and what exciting thing was happening THIS summer! (Ms. Gray's baby!)... Then we talked about all the different things that we like to do over the summer with our families. We realized that the temperature in summer is very HOT because we wear our bathing suits instead of our snow suits!
After Recess, Snack and French we worked on our journals. We wrote about our favourite summer activity and snack! Lots of our friends enjoy ice cream in the summer just like Ms. Gray! :)
Spelling words are on the blog -- sent the words home today...
1. Time
2. House
3. About
4. Your
5. Day
6. Made
7. Came
8. Make
Words of Week
1. canoe 2. toe 3. doe 4. August 5. sauce 6. author
1. Sent home spelling words - Spelling test @ end of month
2. I will send home measurement math test tomorrow.
We are using these for an art project on Monday.
4. May 17th- Friday - No School (PD Day)
5. May 20th- Monday - No School (Victoria Day)
6. May 29th- Wednesday - Casual Day
7. May 30th- Thursday - Spelling Test
Monday, May 13, 2019
Monday, May 13th, 2018
This morning we went to the Wizard of Oz performance! We got to watch the older grades perform and we were very intrigued. It was nice to be in the audience of the performance at the dome and experience things from a different perspective. Our friends were VERY well behaved and if all goes well this week with following directions and making green choices we will have a celebration of our awesome week on Thursday.

After Math, we reviewed the blends that we worked on last week. Ms. Gray wanted to be sure that because we did 3 last week that we were able to retain the sounds and everything that we learned. She was ecstatic that our friends remembered so much! We practiced saying the blends and coming up with some words.
After this we had recess, snack, and French.
After French we wrote in our journals about the Wizard of Oz! We really enjoyed the play and most of our friends loved the part where the Wicked Witch of the West melted!!
Word of Week
1. canoe 2. toe 3. doe 4. August 5. sauce 6. author
May 17th- Friday - No School (PD Day)
May 20th- Monday - No School (Victoria Day)
May 29th- Wednesday - Casual Day
May 30th- Thursday - Spelling Test
Friday, May 10, 2019
Friday, May 10th, 2019
Fun Friday!
Today we worked on our phonics blend PH! We are catching up to the other S.K. classes. We really enjoyed the video that we watched to discover new words with our blend.
During our inquiry into Math we completed our Measurement Math Test! We did a great job! We all finished fairly quickly and Ms. Gray is looking forward to marking them over the weekend.
During our UOI we worked on a special project for our Moms! We are excited to show our families our hard work... and Ms. Gray hopes that you are all very pleased with the project! :)
At the end of the day we got to participate in Fun Friday! We worked so hard all week and Ms. Gray was SO impressed with all of our growth over the last few months that she wanted to celebrate!
**Ms. Gray did not take pictures today!! :( I am SO sorry. This is a very, very rare occasion. I was consumed by the project today... I will try to not let this happen again.**
May 17th- Friday - No School (PD Day)
May 20th- Monday - No School (Victoria Day)
May 29th- Wednesday - Casual Day
May 30th- Thursday - Spelling Test
Thursday, May 9, 2019
May 9th, 2019
Today we started our day off by listening to a very interesting song for the blend WH/wh... because the song did not LIST the words, our friends were a tad confused because they needed to REALLY pay attention! After this we worked on our phonics journal and a new worksheet where we had to identify "nonsense" words. Nonsense words are fake words that don't make sense. We will continue to practice this!GYM, RECESS, AND LUNCH.
During our inquiry into math today we reviewed for our math test! Ms. Hackett gave us Candy Bucks if we got answers correct. Lots of friends were able to recite the definitions from the Measurement Unit! Ms. Gray was very impressed! Lots of hard work happening in S.K. :)
During our UOI we did an art project! We have been working very hard to make our work look very presentable and beautiful for our families. We are very proud of our work!

Wednesday, May 8, 2019
May 8th, 2019
Happy Wednesday!
Today we started our day off with phonics and reciting our poems. We brainstormed some words that have the blend EW/ew and worked in our phonics journals! We are getting used to having Ms. Gray back!During our journal Ms. Gray got to hear all of the plans for Mother's Day that each of our friends have for their mommy! :) Some were VERY funny. Looking forward to sharing these with you during our next phone calls/meeting!
After this we had recess, snack and French.

May 10th - THIS Friday - Measurement Math Test(NEXT COUPLE WEEKS)
May 17th- Friday - No School (PD Day)
May 20th- Monday - No School (Victoria Day)
May 29th- Wednesday - Casual Day
May 30th- Thursday - Spelling Test
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
May 7th, 2019
Arts Night is Tonight!
Today we had a fun day of practicing for our Arts Night! We went on the bus and got to sit with our friends on our way there. We had a great practice, watched a few of the other performances and then went back to school for some lunch! After lunch we had our real performance for the afternoon! WE DID AWESOME!!!! Ms. Gray was SUPER impressed with how well we did. She even told us that if we do as good of a job in the night performance we will win a prize!! She is still coming up with what the prize will be, but I'm sure it will be great... and not a spur of the moment decision at all. ;)During our journal time we wrote about what we are excited about for Arts Night! We know Arts Night will be fun because we get to perform in front of our parents and they can finally see how hard we have worked for this!
Reminders/ Announcements
May 7th- TONIGHT - Arts Night (12 noon & 6:30 pm *STUDENTS ARE TO RETURN TO SCHOOL AT 6:00PM in their costumes)-- Students only have the one costume for the whole night --
--After the performance students will take the bus back to school. Parents are to pick up their child AT SCHOOL, they will not be allowed to leave from the dome. --
May 10th - THIS Friday - Measurement Math Test
May 17th- Friday - No School (PD Day)May 20th- Monday - No School (Victoria Day)
May 29th- Wednesday - Casual Day
May 30th- Thursday - Spelling Test
Monday, May 6, 2019
Ms. Gray is Back!! May 6th, 2019
Today we started our day off by showing Ms. Gray all of our new poems and morning meeting songs! Ms. Gray was VERY impressed with our memorization of all of the adorable poems. Ms. Gray watched as some of our friends recite the poems on their own.
We had lots of practice today for tomorrow's event! Ms. Gray was so excited to see the kiddos up on stage and performing so well. We have been working so hard on the performance and Ms. Gray could tell.

Ms. Gray was also very excited to meet our new friend in our class!
Thank you to all of the parents who have reached out to me over the last couple weeks while I was away. My mother is feeling stronger and doing well. Prayers and thoughts are still very welcome and very much appreciated. I also wanted to say thank you for every kind email or text message that I received while I was away. I am ready and prepared to get back into the swing of things and have an AWESOME end of the year! SK is almost over... let's make the most of it!
Reminders & Announcements:
May 7th-Arts Night (12 o'clock (noon) & 6:30 pm *students are to come to school in their costumes)May 10th- Friday - Measurement Math Test
May 17th- Friday - No School (PD Day)
May 20th- Monday - No School (Victoria Day)
Words of the Week:
1. Saw
2. Crawl
3. Claw
4. Whisper
5. Why
6. When
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
SNOW DAY - February 12th, 2019
Due to anticipated severe weather conditions St. Jude's will be closed today!!
Enjoy your day!! :)
Monday, February 11, 2019
February 11th, 2019
Then we had Gym, outdoor recess, and lunch!
During our inquiry into math we worked on telling time!! We played Time Bingo and then we learned how to tell time at the half-hour! We completed a worksheet that we had to practice drawing the hands on the clock.
During our Unit of Inquiry we learned about Community Helpers! First we did a KWL chart to find out what we knew about community and community helpers... then we watched a video to introduce community helpers!
Then we had indoor recess, snack and French!
We ended our day with Music!
OA/oa and OO/oo
Words of the Week: 1. soap 2. toast 3. float 4. food 5. pool 6. moonShow & Share: Pawan, Alina, Hailey, and Sahana
Reminders/ Announcements
-100th day of School will be held on Wednesday, February 13th. Students will dress up like they are 100 years old on that day!
-Spirit day is on February 14th, students may dress up in Valentine's Day colours (red, white, pink).
-The school will be closed for a PD day and Family day on February 15th & 18th.
-Bake Sake: February 26th & 27th.
-Pancake Day is on March 5th.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
SNOW DAY! Updates:
Due to school being cancelled today, February 6th, 2019 - Character dress-up day will be postponed to Monday, February 11th, 2019!
Oral Competition is Tomorrow @ 9:00 AM
Oral Competition is Tomorrow @ 9:00 AM
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
February 5th, 2019
Today we started our day off with morning meeting. After morning meeting we made our way over to the book fair to see what books we are interested in and some of our friends purchased books. We definitely have a better idea of which books we really, really want! Remember the book fair is until the 8th!After we returned from the book fair we got right to work on our phonics. Our friends are doing a great job with sounding out words and using the resources around the room to find words that have the blend ee in them.
During UOI we learned about where snowflakes come from. We learned how no two snowflakes are alike. We then did an art project with snowflakes and snow theme. :)
Words of the Week: 1. Sheep 2. Teeth 3. Feet 4. Night 5. Light 6. Bright
- MONDAY is the last day to re-register for St. Judes for next year!!
- Sent home new spelling words -- List 6
- Pancake Tuesday MOVED -- March 5th
- Thursday @ 9:00 -- Final level of Oral Presentation. Parents have been notified if your child was selected by other teachers to move to the final round of the Oral Presentation.
- Don't forget to re-register for St. Jude's for next year!! :)
- Book Fair is from February 4th to 8th.
- On Wednesday, February 6th, students may come dressed as their favorite fantasy or book character to help celebrate the theme of the Book Fair. If students would like to participate, they must bring in $2.
- 100th day of School will be held on Wednesday, February 13th. Students will dress up like they are 100 years old on that day!
- Spirit day is on February 14th, students may dress up in Valentine's Day colours (red, white, pink).
- The school will be closed for a PD day and Family day on February 15th & 18th.
- Bake Sake: February 26th & 27th.
Monday, February 4, 2019
February 4th, 2019

To start our week, we began Monday with our Oral Presentations. All of our friends did a fantastic job presenting their poems! Ms. Gray was very proud of their presentations.
During Math we took our pre-test to show Ms. Gray what we know about telling time!! Lots of friends were very nervous when they saw the clocks on the paper but they were reassured that they will not be expected to know EVERYTHING. The pre-test is just a way to see what Ms. Gray needs to teach them or focus on!
During our journal time today we completed our spelling test.
During UOI we did more activities around WINTER! We talked about how we build snowmen and in the summer we build sandmen! :) We played a game with dice and drawing accessories on our snowmen.
1. Sent home new spelling words -- List 62. Pancake Tuesday -- March 5th
3. Thursday @ 9:00 -- Next level of Oral Presentation.
4. Don't forget to re-register for St. Jude's for next year!! :)
5. Book Fair is from February 4th to 8th.
6. On Wednesday, February 6th, students may come dressed as their favorite fantasy or book character to help celebrate the theme of the Book Fair. If students would like to participate, they must bring in $2.
7. 100th day of School will be held on Wednesday, February 13th. Students will dress up like they are 100 years old on that day!
8. Spirit day is on February 14th, students may dress up in Valentine's Day colours (red, white, pink).
9. The school will be closed for a PD day and Family day on February 15th & 18th.
10. Bake Sake: February 26th & 27th.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
February 1, 2018
Fun Friday!

After the assembly, we had Reading Buddies with Ms. Bannon and Ms. Samuel's classes. We read lots of stories with the big kids and made lots of new friends.
After that we had Gym, indoor recess and then lunch!
During our Inquiry into Math we took our Subtraction test! Ms. Gray has not graded these yet but all of the students worked very hard and finished their tests in a timely fashion.
During our UOI we talked about Groundhog's Day! We learned what this meant if the Groundhog saw his shadow! After that we went around the room and gathered data whether the students thought the groundhog would see his shadow or would not see his shadow... Lots of our friends are hoping for an early spring! :)
Then we had OUTDOOR RECESS! We had SO much fun playing in the snow and running around to get some energy out. Ms. Gray was outside with us which apparently made our friends VERY happy.
Then we had snack and French.
After that we worked on our journal and we wrote and drew a picture of a groundhog.
- Our spelling test will be on Monday:
- Now
- Down
- Look
- Too
- He
- She
- We
- Me
- Practice the poems!! Competition will begin on Monday! :)
- Remember to re-register for St. Judes for next year!! 😊 We are looking forward to seeing your kiddos in grade 1!!
- WORDS OF THE WEEK: 1. sing 2. ring 3. king 4. sail 5. tail 6. mail
- Some people have reported their books are all full. I will be putting new books in their agendas at the beginning of next week. So, don't worry about this.
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