Wonderful Wednesday
Today we started our day with a story about a snowman with a cold... we then worked on sequencing the story to build our comprehension skills. After this we started to work on our letter Ww sounds but then we got pulled for our practice of the Christmas Concert! We LOVE doing our dance and showing off our awesome dance moves! :)

Then we had a great Gym class with Ms. Yustin and then we went to recess... We all wanted to stay in with Ms. Gray... some even said "I will miss you" to her as they left... I told them I will be watching them from the window and they will have fun.

After lunch we started working on our UOI Solar System... Today we learned all about JUPITER! We learned that not only is it the largest planet, but it takes 11 Earth years for 1 Jupiter year around the sun! We also learned that Jupiter rotates at a rate of 9 hrs, where the Earth takes 24 hrs to do a full rotation. We decided we would get VERY dizzy if we were on Jupiter. We learned more interesting facts about Jupiter, like why there is a big red dot on Jupiter... ask your kiddo what the big red dot on Jupiter is... I hope they remember! After we learned about Jupiter, we did an awesome art project of Jupiter with a paper plate and construction paper.
We worked in our Phonics Journals today learning about the letter Ww. We brainstormed LOTS of words that begin with Ww!
For Math today we had a quick lesson after French to learn about stories and addition. When there are two dinosaurs drinking from the lake and there are 5 dinosaurs eating grass... How many dinosaurs do we have all together? We had a few friends telling their own math stories and using their imagination!
Announcements/ Reminders
1. Christmas Concert is next Tuesday, December 11 at 6:30 PM. We have been working SO hard to prepare our song and dance for everyone! There is also a concert performance during the day at 1:30 PM!
2. Parent & Teacher interviews take place TOMORROW, Thursday, December 6th. It is not mandatory. If you are unable to make your appointment, please email me and let me know. If you would like to move your time up, send me an email. I have quite a few gaps that I would be happy to move people up if they would like to! Also, students are not required to be at this meeting.
3. Bake Sale & Casual Day: Wednesday, December 19th.
4. Christmas Holiday begins on Friday, December 21st. :)